Nigeria hope mission support Orphans, the widow and the less privileged. We have in the past supported several orphanages, political refugees from Liberia, widows and other needy people have benefited from the Nigeria hope mission. It remains our aim to continue to reach out to people in need especially the widows and the orphans.

In the year 2015 we adopted 5 children who are correctly in the care of an orphanage home and it is our goal to see them through secondary education. We paid their fees for the 2015/2016 already and are getting ready to pay 2016/2017 school fees. Can you help. Please see the profiles of our children on the right side of this page



According to Unicef, Zimbabwe alone has over one million orphans especially as a result of HIV AIDS, to put things in perspective Zimbabwe has a population of 12million people. These children face extreme poverty and are left with no choice but to find ways of looking after themselves at such a tender age and in many cases become bread winners providing for themselves and their orphaned siblings it’s little wonder many have dropped out of school as they cannot afford to eat talk less of paying school feels to face an uncertain future
The implication of these that millions of children grow up daily without the love and care they deserve. Recent reports also shows that 60% of orphaned girls are lured into prostitution while 70% of the boys become hardened criminals and many end up sold as slaves

Lighthouse Hope Mission has adopted several children in Zimbabwe; we have the honour of providing for the daily upkeep as well as pay their school fees and provide money for their educational materials.

We may not be able to feed all the orphans of the world but we can feed some orphans and if we all do our bits we’ll go a long way in giving hope to orphans who need love and not sympathy. Love is shown by its action. Would you help us today by giving whatever you can towards giving hope to another orphan, Thank you
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