Lighthouse Youth Project

Lighthouse Youth Project is an Initiative of Lighthouse Network based in Maidstone in Kent. Our aim is to help provide a healthy environment where our young people can learn, play and grow.

We all know that the youths are the future of any community and particularly with the recent unrest and riots spread across our nation we cannot afford to ignore the sad fact that some of our young people do feel disconnected from society.

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We all know that the youths are the future of any community

Lighthouse Network is a Charitable Organisation based in the Maidstone area. We strongly believe that the family is the building block for any community and for us to have healthy communities, we must have healthy families. This year, we are embarking on a project specifically targeted at young people.

We are in the process of starting a youth club in Maidstone where young people from the community can meet in a safe and stimulating environment, share experiences and support each other under the guidance and supervision of an experienced youth worker, who will be wholly dedicated to this project.

The Vision:

Our aim to provide a safe place for our young people to learn, to play and to grow. Some of the essential life skills that
will be offered includeome of essential life skills that will be offered includes

  1. Money management, budgetting etc
  2. Personal hygiene
  3. Dealing with peer pressure
  4. Managing relarionships
  5. and much more

What do we need?

To get this project off the ground and running, we need to raise £10,000, which includes the cost of employing a youth worker for a year, purchasing the various equipments we will require for the youth club and running costs.

How you can help?

Companies and individuals are welcome to make monetary or other forms of donation to help us achieve our goal. We have lined up several exciting fundraising activities to help us readh our goal….for example we have

  • Fundraising Dinner – The Red fort, an exclusive Indian Restaurant in East Peckam have graciously agreed to donate 20% of all sales made on the 15th and 19th of December to the Lighthouse Youth Project, so please come along on these days, wine and dine and help raise money for a good cause.
  • Marathon race – You may want to consider running a marathon to help raise moeny for our youth project or you may just join in on the lighthouse sponsored race
  • We also have the Sing-a-thon at Chequers Centre – this is going to be fun, imagine non stop singing for an hour 🙂
  • We also have raffle draw with several things to win including free MOT, Diggerland Tickets, Subway Vouchers, etc
  • We’ll also be doing eBay sales – so if you have anything you’ll like to donate that we can see on eBay then we’ll love to hear from you
  • Raffle draws – fundraising dine out – E-bay sales and more. You can get involved in this exciting project in any of the following ways:
  • Help donate equipements – we need computers for training and we’ll love to have some games for the young men and ladies too.
  • [pullquote_right width=”30%”] Together we all can make a difference! [/pullquote_right]

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As the wise saying goes “Every little helps” so please we’ll appreciate whatever you can do or give. Together we can all make a difference in the lives of our youth and young people. For more information or to make donations, please call 01622 671222, e-mail or visit