Faith Confession for each day

faithconfession2Father in Jesus name I declare that I am unlimited in every way, advancing and gaining ground, I am regaining all that was ever lost. The word of the Lord is my reality and I am possessing my possession. I am blessed in every way and everything is working in my favour. The Father’s presence encamps all around me so I am shielded and protected from all forms of attack. Surely no weapon fashioned against me can prosper, for the Lord is on my side. He fights my battles so all I need to do is stand to see the

wonders of my God. The Lord is enlarging my territory and increasing my influence. I am regaining lost ground and gaining new ground. The Lord is promoting me and advancing me in all ways, I have creative thoughts and am divinely favoured to prosper.

I am empowered to create wealth in Jesus name. The Lord is my provider, not the government. I am an asset and not a liability, a blessing and not a burden. I am like the tree planted by the rivers of water, even in the midst of recession I prosper. All that I do is so blessed. I have no fear for I am of God. No terror comes near me and no evil near my dwelling, as for me and my house; we are blessed, favoured, empowered and protected.

I have the wisdom of God for I am taught of the Lord. He leads and guides me and all I do is obediently follow, so things happen miraculously all around. I am a sign and wonder. I am experiencing and enjoying the glory of the Lord from day to day.

Lord I thank you. Father I am grateful for all you are, all you are doing and that which is to come. Amen